About US

At SYNCProjects, we are proud of our experience and professionalism. We are our customers' frontline vis-à-vis the regulatory bodies, including institutes for quality standards certification in Israel and Europe, the Ministry of Health, authorities, the Registrar of Contractors, and the Ministry of Defense.

The company was founded in 2004 to provide quality services. To meet our clients' needs and ensure our work is quality, we have also specialized in regulation, and today, we offer our customers a "Home of Quality and Regulation."

The values that guide us at SYNCProjects are integrity, respect, and courtesy! These values are embedded in our staff training and professionalism. Every assignment is carried out with the highest accuracy and is based on an understanding of the organization's needs, a broad vision, and achieving the right solution in the best way possible for the customer.

Each team that works on a project or assignment, which includes collecting data and documents or eventually preparing the documents – after a transparent preparation process, defined according to the company's methods of work – submits the data and documents to the body from which he is required to receive the desired approval. The assignment is completed with the approval receipt.

As part of SYNCProjects' professional responsibility, we track standards and regulatory updates that might become obstacles in the future. We make sure to be the first to know and to update our clients accordingly.

Our expertise

Over the years, we have accumulated knowledge and experience in a wide range of organizations and industries and developed ways to integrate different management practices to suit the real needs of any company - precisely according to its area of activity – and to contribute to its business and professional development. The proof: our customers tell us that it works!

Our vast experience over the years has mainly contributed to the expertise we accumulated. It enables us today to estimate the duration of the project and the profitability of the investment on the part of the customer, to identify the existing alternatives, and to recommend which one will be best, to map the client's needs effectively, and to accompany him personally, professionally and efficiently, to ensure his satisfaction and the success of the joint project.

Our Uniqueness

Our uniqueness lies in our experienced work teams (industrial and management engineers and regulation professionals), professional commitment, full transparency towards the client, and permanent efficiency in ensuring the success of the joint mission.

We consider ourselves full partners in the process, quality of products, and implementation of practical solutions.

We are certificated to the following ISO standards:
ISO 9001
ISO 27001

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Our vision & challenge

Our vision & challenge

To be for our customers a professional, helpful and up-to-date source of knowledge in quality and regulation fildes. In doing so, we consider ourselves responsible for being at the forefront of local and international knowledge, with the intention of connecting all of these and applying them to our clients.

Our values

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